Terrestrial Studies

Ecoserv Ltd offers a wide range of services concerning terrestrial studies, including surveys and assessments related to land based developments and activities, inland surface water and groundwater surveys, and other environmental studies including biodiversity studies. A large number of studies undertaken by Ecoserv either deal with monitoring and surveys of ecological aspects in order to assess the presence and/or conservation status of natural habitats and species in relation to the requirements of the EU Habitats Directive, or entail sampling and analysis of waters, soils and other terrestrial matrices.

Ecoserv Ltd has extensive and specialist knowledge through its highly qualified and experienced scientific staff who undertake the required field studies, ecological and biodiversity assessments, and collection and interpretation of physico-chemical data that are essential for assessing natural and human pressures on the environment. Ecoserv Ltd's personnel undertake field sampling, and laboratory and data analyses in line with standard procedures.

Examples of key terrestrial studies undertaken by Ecoserv Ltd:

Terrestrial ecology surveys (flora and fauna including birds) carried out as baseline studies in line with the requirements of EIA and EIS studies.


Studies on migratory bird species.


Studies on the rehabilitation of natural areas, such as the Salini Saline Marshland.


Ecological Monitoring during development project works in relation to sensitive ecological habitats and species in Special Area of Conservation and other areas.


Monitoring of groundwater across the Maltese Islands as part of the Operational Groundwater Programme required by the Water Framework Directive.


Monitoring of soil and agricultural products in the vicinity of the Ghallis Landfill as part of its IPPC process.


Environmental monitoring of water quality in Ghadira and Simar Nature Reserves.


Baseline surveys on the chemical status of inland surface waters and transitional waters as required by the Water Framework Directive.



  • Marine
  • Terrestrial
  • Air
  • Chemical
  • Noise & Vibration
  • Environmental
  • Educational
  • Surveys

Get in touch


+356 2143 1900


+356 7943 1900

