Environmental Guidelines, Legislation and Policy

Ecoserv Ltd has an extensive portfolio on provision of environmental services related to existing and emerging government policies and legislation, including services in relation to national implementation of various EU directives. Most of the assignments carried out within the company's various areas of expertise, stem from requirements of specific European or national environmental legislation, and are required by clients in order to achieve compliance of particular activities or from the need to provide data and assessments to allow for appropriate assessments in relation to issue of permits for development projects.

Specifically, Ecoserv Ltd provides advice on the environment, within the fields of marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecology; physico-chemical assessments of groundwater, seawater, inland surface and transitional waters, sediments and terrestrial matrices; air quality and emissions assessments; and noise and vibration studies. The company's team of highly qualified and experienced experts provide the required advice in response to client needs.

Examples of environmental guidelines, legislation and policy assignments undertaken by Ecoserv Ltd:

Provision of scientific expert assistance for the intercalibration exercise of biological quality elements for Maltese coastal waters, as required by the EU's Water Framework Directive, commissioned by the Malta Environment and Planning Authority.


Development of a classification of the ecological status of Maltese coastal waters using Posidonia oceanica descriptors, as part of the intercalibration exercise as required by the EU's Water Framework Directive.


Development of a long-term monitoring strategy and monitoring programme for the marine environment, according to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, commissioned by the Malta Environment and Planning Authority.


Compilation of an interpretation manual for marine habitats within the 25 NM fisheries management zone around the Republic of Malta, commissioned by the Malta Environment and Planning Authority.


Advice on fisheries management plans, including the Dolphinfish and the 'lampara' and trawl fisheries, commissioned by the Fisheries Control Department.



  • Marine
  • Terrestrial
  • Air
  • Chemical
  • Noise & Vibration
  • Environmental
  • Educational
  • Surveys

Get in touch


+356 2143 1900


+356 7943 1900

